Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Chapter Eight (Out Of Reach)

Previously, on "Memoirs Of A City Girl":
Ch. 7 (Let Me Let Go)
-Flashbacks of passionately kissing him in our Bridgeport condo invaded my thoughts as I grabbed the almond milk to make a breakfast smoothie.
-Reality set in, so I decided to eat butter pecan ice cream instead.
-I nearly killed myself trying to make Mr. Nunu do a long jump, so I signed up for riding lessons.
-I met David, my riding instructor with gorgeous hazel eyes.
-I started to feel nervous.


Location: Equestrian Regional Training Grounds
Date: Monday, 10/24/11
Time: 3:50 p.m.

"It's nice to meet you, Lyn." His hazel eyes sparkle.

"It's nice to meet you too.  David, is it?"  Suddenly riding lessons has never sounded so fun yet scary at the same time.  I expected an older person, perhaps a woman to be my instructor, and here I am.  Talking to Mr. Hazel Eyes.  A part of me wished I stayed home.  Then I could have avoided the nervousness that I'm feeling right now.  Why am I nervous?  Is it the way his hat is turned backwards, giving him that ex-fratboy look? Or how his riding pants hug his thigh muscles?  Or is it the way his eyes remind me of a pale, golden greenish-yellow glass of wine?

"Yes. David Weston."

Even his name has a nice flow to it.  David Weston.  He sounds like he's well-off, like he's an heir to a family fortune.  Why am I getting that familiar feeling again, as if I met him before??  His eyes...something about his eyes.  I feel as if I've seen them before...somewhere...I just can't remember.  This is getting a little weird.  First, the house. Now David.

"Are you ready?" He flashes a smile.

"Yes." I feel a knot in my stomach.


"They told me that you brought your own horse today."

"Yes, I did.  Is that okay?"

"Yes, that's perfectly fine.  In fact, we encourage it.  Those that don't have one usually work with my horse Skye.  I always bring her with me."

"Oh, that's awesome.  Is she here today?"  The thought of meeting another horse gets me excited.  The only one I know is Mr. Nunu and that random run-away by the house.  But he zipped by so fast, I didn't even get a chance to get a good look at him...or her.

"Yes she is.  Would you like to meet her?"

"I'd love to!"


He stops in front of this beautiful creature the color of velvety dark chocolate.  She easily towers over the both of us, holding her head high with pride.  Her hair is braided on both sides, making her look like an Egyptian queen.  There's a quiet elegance about her.  Perhaps she's won a few titles in the past.

Then my eyes wander to her front left foot.  She looks like she's wearing a white sock while the rest of her is a different color.

"Oh, look at her foot!" I smile, feeling more adoration for Skye.

"I know.  That's what  love about her."

"She's gorgeous." 

"Thank you.  You can touch her if you like.  She's friendly." He offers.


The only other horse I've touched is Mr. Nunu, and it took him a few days to get used to me.  But to pet a strange horse when it just met me?  I guess I'll have to take David's word for it.  After all, he's the expert and he knows his horse better than anyone else.

"Hi Skye.  It's okay, I just want to say hello." I nervously whisper as I hold out my hand.

She looks at me, then leans down to smell my hand.  Her nose feels wet, but I can feel the calm energy coming from her.  Her face lingers near my hand just a little bit longer before she steps back.  I let out a sigh of relief, knowing that my greeting was successful.


"Good girl, Skye.  I like how you used your manners towards the pretty lady." He praises her as he gently strokes her neck.  She gives out a  happy snort, listening to his every word.  There's something about the way he talks to her that seems so natural, as if they have known each other in another lifetime.  And pretty lady?? Did he just say pretty lady?

It makes me wonder how he would talk to a woman in private.  Would he whisper in her ear and know exactly what to say?  Would he gently stroke her neck the same way, making her feel so hypnotized that she can't help but say "God, yes" to him?  Wait, why am I having these thoughts about my riding instructor?? We haven't even started the class yet and my mind is already wandering.


"Hi baby, are you having fun?  We're going to start the class pretty soon." I reassure him.

"Is he yours?" David asks.

"Yes he is.  He's my pride and joy."

"What's his name?"

"Mr. Nunu."

"That's a cool name!"

"Thank you.  It means 'kind' in Hawaiian."

"He certainly is. And he's beautiful."


"Hey buddy!  I'll be working with you today.  Is that alright?" He says as he approaches Mr. Nunu.  He never takes his eyes off him.

"Wow, he's already responding to you."  I observe in amazement.

"I always ask permission before I do anything.  Would you mind if I walk around with him for a little bit?  I just want to see how comfortable he is being handled."  He asks, turning to me.

"Not at all.  Take your time."

He always asks for permission.  Mmm...that's always a good thing.


It's strange to watch another person walk off with Mr. Nunu.  I'm so used to being with him and handling him that I didn't expect him to cooperate with David so quickly.  I know he's a professional, and he's used to handling many horses, but I guess a part of me wants to make sure that Mr. Nunu will still need me at the end of the day.  I may be inexperienced with animals, but I have become attached to this beast.  My maternal instinct just wants to make sure that nothing happens to him.

At the same time, there's something really sexy about the way David works with him.  It's as if there's an unspoken energy between them, and they understand each other without the need for words.  Wherever David goes, Mr. Nunu happily follows behind him.


After 10 minutes, they return.  Could my eyes be deceiving me or did they already bond in that short amount of time?

"Good job, Mr. Nunu! Thank you for taking a walk with me." He caresses his muzzle, smiling.  Mr. Nunu happily receives his touch, eyes closed.

"He did well?" I ask.

"Yes he did.  He's a good horse.  He's ready."

"I'm glad to hear that."

He walks over towards me.

"Alright, Lyn.  Let's start." His face is only about foot from mine.  I look away.


I try to mount Mr. Nunu but my foot seems to be struggling on the stirrup.  I'm having a hard time pushing myself up.  I didn't have any problems earlier today, but I seem to have forgotten how to do it at this moment.

"Put your left foot here, and hold on to his back as you push." His gentle voice appears beside me, making me even more aware of his presence.

"Okay."  I mutter, placing my foot on the strirrup.

"There you go.  Now hold on to him while you push up."

"Okay." I let out a deep breath.  My hands are now on Mr. Nunu's back.

"I got you.  Go ahead." He whispers.  As I push up on the stirrup, I can feel the warmth of his hands supporting my waist.  I feel a tightness in my chest.   A wave of tingles spread to my face as my bottom finally reaches Mr. Nunu's back.

"Thanks." This is all I can say.

"No problem.  Don't worry, I'll be watching you.  Just relax."

Great.  He'll be watching me the whole time.  Can I be more self-conscious right now?

Even though I'm not facing him directly, I can somehow feel his gaze burning on my body.  It makes me even more uneasy.  I try to  relax and focus on Mr. Nunu like he suggested.


"Now you're going to do the low jump.  Stay in the center. Go easy."


"You're doing fine.  Now pick up a little bit of speed."


We pass through three jumps in a row.

"Very good!  Now do it again.  Nice and easy."

I'm feeling more comfortable with each jump.  I can also sense Mr. Nunu's growing confidence in me as his handler as well.  Our communication seems more smooth.  He's becoming better at anticipating when the next jump is, as well as when I need him to turn around and go back.

"Alright, that should be good for tonight." David motions for us to come back.


"That was a lot of fun!" I exclaim after dismounting Mr. Nunu.

"Good, I'm glad you're having fun.  You're looking pretty good on the low jumps."

"Thanks.  It helps when I have someone to coach me."

"Have you had lessons before? You don't have that nervousness like most new students."

Oh Mr. Hazel Eyes, if you only knew...

"Well, I practiced with him for a little bit this morning on the low jumps."


Suddenly I notice that the sun is gone.  The lights are on, creating a dim yet visible view of the field.   The training area is becoming empty as well.  How long have I been working with David?  Are we the only ones left here?

"You were here this morning?  I don't remember seeing you."  His eyes are glowing like the warm flame of a candle.

"No, no, not here.  My ranch has a training area." 

"Oh, you have a ranch?"

"Yeah, I just bought it last week."

"That's awesome.  Did you move here or is that your vacation home?  A lot of people buy property here but they live somewhere else."

"I moved here."

"From where?"



"Oh wow, all the way from Bridgeport?  That's a big city."

"Yeah, it's definitely a big city.  I grew up there."

"My parents own a condo there.  They sometimes go on weekends." He explains.

"Did you grow up here in Appaloosa?"

"Sort of.  Well, I was born and raised in Sunset Valley.  Then my father bought a ranch here when I was a freshman in high school.  It started as a vacation home but the country life grew on us.  So we moved here instead."

"Sunset Valley, huh?  I've been there once to check out the beach.  It's a nice little town."


"My parents still have a house in Sunset Valley.  It's the one I grew up in.  Sometimes I stay there when I visit."

"Wow, your parents own two houses and a condo?" My suspicions are right.  He does come from money. Now I'm wondering if he's had to earn anything in his life.

"Yeah, well, it's their money.  I'm trying to save up to get my own place.  I'm also a student so I'm only doing this part-time.  It's really because I love working with horses so much."

Maybe there's hope for him after all.  He's actually trying to make his own money.  I commend him since I did the same thing, no matter how taxing it would get to live with parents as an adult.  That was the only way I was able to go to college without any debt and allow my savings to grow at the same time.  Although it really put a damper on my dating life, which was almost non-existent.

"Oh yeah?  What are you majoring in?"  Wait...does this mean he's younger than me?

"I want to be a teacher.  I really enjoy helping people."  He finds my eyes again.

"That's the reason why I'm in the medical profession too.  To help people." I hold his gaze.  So he comes from a rich family but he's trying to make his own living and help people.  Maybe he's just telling me what I want to hear.  I feel a sudden sense of fear.  He's getting a little too close for my comfort.


"Are you in medical school?"  He asks.

"I was a first year resident in Bridgeport."

"Wait, you're a doctor?"

"No, not yet.  When I finish my residency, I'll get the licence to practice as a pediatrician."

"That's impressive.  But wait...why did you move here?"

Why did he have to ask that?  I haven't thought about my life in Bridgeport since this morning.  I was having fun.  I even enjoyed meeting this mysterious riding instructor.  A hot one at that.  But his question just reminded me of what I had to give up...my dream of helping children.  It's nice to talk to another person, even share something in common with, but the protective wall I hold over my past just became threatened.  Why is he asking so many questions?  Why is he so interested in my life?

I begin to feel uncomfortable.  I don't want to get to know him.  I don't want him to get to know me.  I just want to keep things the way they are: him as my riding instructor, me as his student. Nothing more, then I can be done with this class.

"I'd rather not talk about it.  If you don't mind."  My voice is icy.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to---" Embarrassment takes over his face.

"You're always bound to fall
There's nothing you can do
The weight of gravity begins
To pull you down again
So what are you to do now?
Stuck between the hope and doubt
You get so close to clarity
Makes you question everything"


"That's fine.  So are we done here?"  I avoid his eyes, hoping he'll take the hint.  I feel bad for giving him the sudden cold shoulder, but his question really hit a nerve.


"Yeah...we're done.  Look, I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have asked such a personal question."  His hazel eyes hope for forgiveness, perhaps even a second chance.  They start to warm up my guarded heart again, almost making me cave in. Almost.

"I said it's fine."

"Well, I guess I'll see you next week.  That's if you're still coming back." Despite my cold demeanor, he still finds the patience to smile.

"Yes, I'll be here."

"Alright. See you then, Lyn."



I watch him walk away.  My heart wants to yell, "David, wait!"

But a part of me knows I'll have to explain myself eventually, and I don't think I'm ready to do that.  I'm not ready to let him, or anyone in yet.  How can I be, when I'm not even ready to let my own self in?


"Come on, sweetie.  Let's go home."


"You're so far away
So far away from me
Is it starting to break
Underneath my feet
You're so far away
Am I just out of reach?"

*Copyright 2011 Lyn C.S.*

"Out Of Reach" By Matthew Perryman Jones
Video by: LexieLouLooLew


  1. Oh my gosh Lyn! I loved how you made the riding class non-rabbit hole-ish :P Aw, I felt bad for David. He didn't mean any harm, but hopefully he will have learned to tread lightly around that subject... at least until you're ready to open up about it. And although it can be hard, it's definitely therapeutic to talk about it. I should I know, I'm dealing with this right now because of the upcoming holidays/my birthday (on the 15th) and these are all our "first" holidays since my mom passed away almost 9 months ago. :( I hate talking about it sometimes, but when I do, it really helps.

    Anyways... lol Loved the update! And I totally know what Lyn is going through. Well, kind of anyways. She's strong, and I know she'll get through it!

    ♥ and harp strings,

  2. Wow! That was awesome! I hope Lyn warms up to David the next time she sees him. Now I'm hoping that they develop a relationship. So can't wait for the next chapter. I'm hoping that Lyn ends up having a happy life with a good man and a few kids and a happily ever after. :)

  3. Thanks Kate, I'm so glad you enjoyed the update!! You know, the rabbit hole didn't even occur to me while I was setting up the screenshots. I just wanted to show the interaction between me and David. I thought it would be interesting to show what he does an instructor. I felt bad for David too, even as I was writing that scene, I wanted so bad to call him back and apologize. But my character just wasn't ready.

    I agree, it is therapeutic to be able to talk about things. I'm just trying to figure out who she's going to open up to, and how much she will reveal.

    Oh Kate, I'm so sorry about your mom. I can't imagine what you must be going through, to go through that kind of loss. And with the holidays coming up, it has to be tough. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. Just shoot me a message or an email.

    I'm glad that you can relate to my character in some way. You are strong too, and I know you will survive this. If this story is able to help you in some way, I'm happy : )

    By the way, your birthday is Nov 15?? Mine is the 10th. It's nice to meet a fellow Scorpio! Hehe...

  4. Thanks Laci, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!! I hope she'll warm up to him too, the next time she sees him. He seems like a really nice guy, and Mr. Nunu already likes him. lol

    Awww, you're so sweet. Thanks for your support, she definitely needs it, being on her own. I also hope things work out for her too, and she will get her happy ending in the end. But for right now, on to Ch. 9! ;-)

  5. Lyn, I replied to you about my mom over on my blog, but I figured I'd reply over here in regards to your story :)

    I have a feeling that David isn't one to give up, especially on a woman like Lyn (hah I almost wrote Amber... I've been typing her name a ton tonight because I just finished chapter 10... hahaha), so even though I felt bad for him, I know he's a tough cookie and won't give up!

    Yup, my birthday is the 15th! I turn 22 this year :) Yours is the 10th? That's crazy. My dog's birthday is on the 10th, and she's turning 13 this year! =3 She's an old puppy dog. I always knew you were awesome, but now it is confirmed. Yay close birthdays!! *highfive*

    ♥ and harp strings,

  6. Wow! The house looks so much better now. Wish I could decorate like that. I have to download already decorated houses. lol! I just might download yours and replace the game one. Good job! P.S. My real name is Traci. My username is made up of two names that I was called when I was little.

  7. Kate, you're so sweet for giving David the benefit of the doubt. Basically I was being a bitch to him towards the end. lol I don't blame him if he assigns me to another instructor. I mean how could he have known he hit such a touchy subject? So I hope you're right. XD

    YAY for being November babies!! Wow, your dog's birthday is on the 10th too?? You know what's funny? My dog Luke will be a year on the 16th. lol Seriously, what is up with these overlapping birthdays with us and our dogs? lol What's your dog's name? I hope she'll be around for a very long time. I don't even want to think about my dogs dying one day. They're my babies!!

    You're awesome too!! *high five*

  8. Traci, thank you so much!! This is actually the first time I carefully thought out the decor and color scheme of the house. I wanted to do a good job this time because the house is a part of the story. I've always admired simmers who are talented at building and decorating, so I think I've come a long way. lol Usually I'll just throw whatever is there. And I also tend to do the same type of colors and decor. Meh.

    You're more than welcome to download my house! Wow, they nicknamed you numnuts? Laci is cute but numnuts?? Who called you numnuts? XD

  9. My great uncle called me Lacy Traci and my aunt called me numbnuts. Don't know why. So I just combined the two with a little spelling change and that's my username for a lot of websites.

    I did download the house. And your simself. Hehe. Don't worry. I'm not the type of person to torture sims. Haven't replaced the house yet or actually put you in the game.

    And I thought I'd put my two cents in about my birthday. It's December 25th and I'll be 46. But I don't look it. LOL!

  10. OMG, Traci, I can't believe your aunt called you numbnuts and it stuck with you! lol Did you even know what that meant as a kid? And why did she call you numbnuts? Now I'm curious. XD I crack up every time I see your name. But I like Lacy Traci though.

    Thanks for downloading the house and my simself. No worrries, if I was worried about my sims being tortured, I wouldn't upload them. Hehe. Once you download her, she's all yours. You can even make her your personal slave if you want. XD

    Oh wow, you were born on Christmas Day?? I bet you get the bundled birthday/Christmas gift. lol That's awesome that you look young for your age. I seriously still feel like I'm 25 even though I haven't been that age for a few years. XD

  11. I have no idea why my aunt called me that. If it helps any she's 9 years older than me.

    I cannot be mean to my simmies in any way. That's the way I am. I know it's only a game and that they are only pixels, but for some reason I can't bring myself to be mean to them in any way. I feel so weird about that. LOL!

    I never got a bundled gift for my birthday/Christmas. Of course it always looked like I got a lot cuz there was 2 days in one. I love having my birthday on Christmas. There have been people who think I'm 18!!! That's cool. I'll take that. LOL!

  12. Ahhh so she was a young aunt, so that may explain it. Still, numbnuts?? That's usually what they call boys. lol

    It's hard for me to be mean to my sims too. No matter how annoying or fugly they are (and they're usually the ones that I didn't make), I just can't bring myself to torture them or kill them. Unless I had a good reason for it, but I just delete them. So I know what you mean. It's like hurting a puppy. lol

    Wow, you were lucky. A lot of people get bundled gifts when their BD falls on Christmas or close to Christmas. And 18?? That must be some good genes. XD

  13. Well nothing ruins a good time like bringing up sensitive subjects. David really is a sweetheart but I always want to know what a guy's flaw is...rich, handsome, hard-working, sensitive...I definitely want to know more about this guy!

    Oh yes, and Benjamin, Mr. Brawny with a southern accent, shirtless repairman. Maybe I should move to Apaloosa Plains?

  14. Lauren, don't worry you will find out more about David. It's definitely not a girl-meets-boy-they-instantly-fall-in-love and live happily ever after type of story. lol

    She thought she had the perfect man, and look what happened. She had to leave town.

  15. I always love the beginnings of relationships, the anticipation right at the start, full of what ifs and so many possibilities. You've captured that so well between Lyn and David. She wants to get excited about him, but her past won't let her. Her ex really did a number on her. I hope in time she finds peace so she can start living again and stop pushing people away. You use of lyrics is amazing and creative, I love the way you weave them into the story, they tell so much without taking away from your own writing, wfhich by the way is beautiful!

  16. I love the beginnings of relationships too, especially the sexual tension that builds up and you want them to hurry up and hook up already. lol Thank you so much for the kind words, that means a lot coming from you. I'm so glad the lyrics add to the story in some way. It's really my excuse to share some of my favorite songs. XD

    Yes, her ex really did screw her up. Devastated doesn't even cut it. You'll find out what happened as the story progresses, so I hope you'll still be around by then! :-)

  17. Holy crap that was fucking beautiful! Such a bittersweet moment! My heart ached for Lyn and David. I'm so sad she felt that need to close up on such a wonderful moment but it's understandable she's afraid of letting anything happen to her heart again. His interest in her was so warming and sweet I was happy she was seeing someone in a different way until that question came. Poor David; and he's left wondering what the hell he did wrong (though if it were me I'd google her ass...something fishy about that! She running from the cops? Was that HER on America's Most Wanted last week? I thought her face was familiar!)

    That last shot was heartbreaking! Very poignant as he watched her ride off into the...pitch blackness (no sunset to speak of).

    Nunu is cute and I found myself laughing at Lyn's jealousy! HAHAHA Yes I am still pointing and laughing. But at least she understands it's mostly because horse training is David's profession and not because Nunu likes him better.

    Lyn's perviness knows no bounds (my kind of lady!) She was already seeing herself with David and I couldn't help but smile every time a simple gesture made her hot!

    This ex of hers...hating him more and more and I don't know who he is! Already wanna slap his pretty boy face (he sounds like a pretty boy) and knee his crotch...hard!

  18. Daija, are you sure you don't want to be a book reviewer?? Your detailed and insightful comments definitely makes all of the work I put into this story worth it. I love reading them, and you bring a new perspective that I haven't thought about. Lke the whole wanting to google me because you might have seen me before on American's Most Wanted. Girly, you are crazy!! I love your imagination!! You are sick and twisted, I love it! Thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoyed this update. This is the first time she has taken interest in another man besides her ex, and it terrified her.

    OMG, I can totally picture you pointing and laughing too. XD You are seriously too much! You bring such a fresh and enthusiastic perspective to the story, and I really appreciate that. Teehee, yeah Lyn is definitely a perv when it coms to hot guys, and when she's attracted she can already picture herself rolling around the bed with them. ;-)

    Bahaha you're not the only one that wants to slap him. Ouch, a knee to the crotch?? I hope he can redeem himself in the story because that sounds painful! O.O

  19. David sounds like a winner! I hope Lyn will find a way to drop the defense and allow him in, even if he just makes it to the friend zone. He seems like a really great guy. He comes from money but that isn't a top priority to him. He wants to be a teacher and help people just like she wants to help people. He's even great with Mr. Nunu! There is something about a guy that knows how to speak to animals and that naturally bonds with them! *Sigh*

  20. I agree, David seems like a great guy so far and I also hope she'll find a way to warm up to him. She needs that calm, peaceful energy around her, I think it will really help her. That's true, they can always become friends...and maybe a possibility of more later on. But first she needs to show up to the next riding lesson and be nicer to him.

    I agree, there is something about a guy that has a way of communicating with animals. It's sexy as hell, and it makes you wonder if they can "woman whisper" you too. XD

  21. Someone else said it,and i can't find the comment so i'll go back to it..she has a tendancy to fall in love at first sight but 5 m4n and nothing yet..hmmmm..think it will be interesting to find out how she goes

    1. When you find out what happened that made her move to Appaloosa, you'll understand why she's so cautious.
