Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Chapter Thirty (November Rain)

Previously, on "Memoirs Of A City Girl":
Ch. 29 (In My Veins)
-Luke had this strange need to visit Hangman's Tree park, even though neither of us have ever been there.  Somehow, he knew where to find it.
-When we got to the top of the lookout, he told me that he felt very uneasy around the barren oak tree, and he had flashbacks of a couple.
-I didn't want to freak him out, so I decided not to ask him if they looked like Emma and Jesse.
-Later that night, I saw him standing by my bedroom door just when I was about to go to his room.
-After a luscious embrace, he carried me to the bed.
-He looked at me like I was covered in chocolate, just ready to devour me.
-He started kissing my inner thigh, but he stopped.
-He asked if I needed him to hold me instead.
-I said yes, and fell asleep in his arms.

*Strong language, sexual references*


Location: 1012 Pomona Promenade
Date: Monday, 10/31/11
Time: 9:25 a.m.

The warm morning sunlight caresses my face, forcing me to slowly open my eyes.  Luke.  Just the sound of his name makes me smile.  It's like a warm breath gently blowing at my heart, making me shiver.  I still can't get over the look on his face when he was standing by my bedroom door last night.  Shirtless, looking so damn hot, with this intense look in his pale emerald green eyes.  And when he took me in his arms and hugged me so tight, I felt like a big glob of jello, slowly melting towards the wooden floor.  Every inch of my body was screaming to feel him, to taste him, to just surrender myself to him.  Then he picked me up so effortlessly and carried me towards the bed.  Be still my foolish heart.  A delicious, shirtless fireman carrying me, like he was rescuing me from a burning building.  Perhaps rescuing me from myself.  Screw the friendship.  God, he could have done whatever he wanted with me.  I would have been his bitch.  I don't care.  I wanted him so bad, I was ready to hump his leg.

Suddenly I become aware of something furry brushing against my arm.  I look down to find a brown teddy bear dressed in jean overalls.  Awww, how sweet is this?? I clutch this soft bundle of warm fuzzies in my arms, squeezing it, as I grin from ear to ear.  It even smells like his cologne...masculine, woodsy, yummy.  I am seriously about to rape this man right now.  I don't know where his sexy ass is hiding, but he's in big trouble.  I don't know how he expects to last another day here if he keeps pulling shit like this.  You can't beat Brad's ass, bring back my dog, be a shoulder to cry on, hold me while I sleep, carry me towards the bed, kiss me on my inner thigh, look at me like you're about to eat me alive and surprise me with a teddy bear, while I'm freaking sleeping, and expect me to keep my grubby hands to myself.

Where is he??


Still carrying the teddy bear, I run down the stairs, nearly tripping over myself from excitement.  He must be in the kitchen making breakfast.  But to my disappointment, I don't smell anything cooking, nor do I hear any commotion.  When I scan the kitchen area, he's nowhere in sight.  He's not there.  A strange feeling comes over me, as if something is wrong, as if something is missing in this house.  It feels unusually quiet.  A part of me wonders if he's outside with Mr. Nunu and Nikki, but I keep getting this nagging thought to check his room.  

I  rush up the stairs to see if his black travel bag is still next to his bed.  It's gone.   No, it's not possible.  He couldn't have left!  Maybe he already packed ahead of time, and he just wanted to put his bag away in his truck. 


My heart sinks at the sight of the empty driveway where his orange truck used to be.  He's gone.  He's actually gone!!  He didn't even say goodbye.  My chest begins to feel hollow, like someone just carved my heart out, with every single artery painstakingly sliced off.  This is nothing like the pain I felt when I lost my baby and when I caught Brad having sex with my sister.  This is...different.  It feels like my soul has been abandoned.  It feels like a part of me just left...and I'm all alone.  Really alone.  Not just in this house or this city, but this whole world.  How is this possible, when Luke has only been here for two days?  Why does it feel like he's done this before?  I cling to my teddy bear as I try to hold on to the only piece of him I have left: his scent.  It triggers the same intense, inexplicable longing that I felt in my dream.  God, I miss him.  I miss him so much.    

I continue to stand there, frozen, unable to move.  I bury my face in the furry comfort of this stuffed animal as tears escape my eyes.  I imagine that it's Luke's strong arms wrapped around me, his scent caressing my face gently.  But it's not helping.  In fact, I feel even worse, knowing he's gone.  I was doing fine by myself, even without Nikki.  Even when I had noone to talk to, at least I had Mr. Nunu.  But Luke just had to come here, and act all heroic, all kind, all sensitive, all fucking sexy, everything that Brad should have been, to do what? To leave me hanging like this?? Just when my poor heart opened up to him and got attached to his presence?? Damn you, Luke!! Damn you!!

"When I look into your eyes
I can see a love restrained
But darling when I hold you
Don't you know I feel the same?"


After feeling like a moron for crying in front of the driveway in my nightgown, I decide to go back inside.  All I want to do is curl up under the sheets and sob on my pillow, but that's what I've been doing since I left Bridgeport.  I'm tired of crying.  I'm tired of feeling disappointed. Why can't I have any luck with men?  Maybe I should stay away from anything that has a penis.  Wait, Mr. Nunu has a penis.  I love Mr. Nunu. Okay, any human being that has a penis.  But damn, how long is that gonna last? I can't go vegetarian, I need my meat! Well, screw meat! It's done nothing but make me feel like crap.  From now on, I'm eliminating penis from my diet.  No more penis!! Penis is bad for your health!  Mmm...Luke's penis.  I wonder how big it is? No!! Be strong! Penis is pure evil!!

Yup, I'm going crazy.  I need to start working again.  So I decide to check the Appaloosa Plains School District website to see if the Science position is still available.  To my surprise, it's still there.  I know I just applied a few days ago, but the wait is killing me.  I need to visit the school to find out if they're still interviewing.  I've never taught before, and the idea of working with high school kids terrify me, but maybe I need to follow a different path with my life.  With this ephiphany, I print out my resume, cover letter and references. 

Location: Appaloosa Plains Public School
Time: 1:11 p.m.

After taking a quick shower and picking out an outfit, I drive to the school with my documents ready.  The sight of the campus is a bit overwhelming.  It's a large school with a red brick exterior that's hard to miss upon pulling up.  The grounds are nicely landscaped with dark green,well-manicured lawns and freshly trimmed azalea bushes.  There are several flags waving around with the subtle breeze, letting me know that I'm in new territory.  Even the building next to the main entrance towers over the whole property with its domed roof, making me wonder if it's the gymnasium or cafeteria, or both.  This is so different from the hospital.   

As I walk towards the main entrance, I pass by several high school and elementary kids.  My pulse races at the possibility that they could be my students soon.  How do I even talk to them? How do I get their attention? Will they listen to me or will they just roll their eyes like I'm a joke?  A sudden pang of fear takes over my thoughts, making me wonder if I should go through with this.  I am a year away from finishing my residency.  I worked so hard to get to this point, I can almost taste my title: Lyn Santori, M.D.  But they don't have any residency slots available at the local hospital, and who knows how long I'll have to wait if I apply? I had to wait almost a year just to get accepted into residency at the Bridgeport hospital.  There's no way I'm sitting around the house that long, just waiting! For the sake of my bills and sanity, I need a job NOW.


As I step inside the main office, a woman with long black hair and light mocha skin is sitting behind the counter.  I can hear the tap tap tap of the keyboard as she stares at the computer screen.   

"Hi, can I help you?" The tap tap tap immediately stops as soon as she looks up at me with a smile.  Her warm brown eyes put me at ease, letting me know that I'm not bothering her.  In Bridgeport, it's not uncommon for a receptionist to look annoyed when something interrupts them from their work...or personal phone conversation.

"Yeah, I was just wondering if the Science position is still available.  I applied online at the district website but I haven't heard anything yet." I briefly look down at my manila folder just in case she asks for my resume.

"Let me find out for you.  Please have a seat."



"Dr. Weston, there's an applicant that's asking about the Science position.  She wants to know if it's still available...uh huh...okay, I'll let her know." She briefly looks over at me before she hangs up the phone.  "Maam?"

"Yes?" There goes that word again.  Maybe that means something else here.

"The principal is on her way right now.  She wants to meet you."

"Oh...that's great.  I wasn't expecting that at all." As soon as I heard the word "principal", my pulse ran out the door.  I am officially shaking in fear.  I was only supposed to drop my resume off. Not get a freaking interview! I haven't even prepared for it yet!

"She's really nice.  You'll do fine." She flashes me a reassuring smile as she eases herself back to her chair.  

"Thank you." I take a deep breath as I try to absorb the positive vibes she's sending my way, hoping it will give me the confidence I need to impress the principal.  Dr. Weston. Dr. Weston. Why does that name sound familiar?


 A slim woman in her late 40's/early 50's with milk chocolate skin, dark brown eyes and shoulder-length black hair sprinkled with silver, appears in front of me.  Her striped light grey suit tells me that she conducts herself professionally, but the yellow camisole peeking from under her jacket suggests that she may also have an easy-going side.  I cannot mess this up.     

"Hello, I'm Dr. Weston.  I'm the principal of this school." She extends her hand as a subtle smile forms on her face.

"Hi, Dr. Weston.  I'm Lyn Santori." I immediately raise up from my seat to accept her hand.  "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Miss Santori.  Thanks for your interest in the position.  Let's talk in my office." Her handshake is firm, no-nonsense. 


I try to ease my nervousness by trying to get a feel of her office as I take a seat.  She has several diplomas on her wall, along with miscellaneous certificates of completion.  Her desk is free of clutter, with only a laptop, phone and pen basket as necessities.  There's one picture frame sitting on top of her desk but it's facing her, so I can't see what her family looks like.  I assume she's married with children, who are probably young adults or teenagers.  

"Miss Santori, I'm going to be upfront with you." She leans back on her chair with a solemn look on her face.  "This position requires a certification in Science, grades 6-12.  It also requires a teacher that will be able to deal with students of varying abilities and needs, especially high school students.  Now, I prefer someone with experience, but even the last teacher couldn't handle this job.  And she has taught for five years at this district.  Do you understand?"

"Yes maam." My eyes widen at the word that just came out of my mouth. Whoa, I just said maam!  But why does it feel right, like I'm showing her the utmost respect?

"Since the last teacher left, we've had five different long term subs.  One was certified in Science, but he didn't even last one week."

"I'm sorry to hear that.  Maybe they just haven't found the right teacher."

"You know, you are the only applicant that said that.  Everyone else asked how bad the students are."  A sparkle briefly flashes in her eyes as she studies my face intently.  


"So I see that you have a bachelors in Biochemistry, and you were a medical resident in Bridgeport?" She asks as she scans through my application.

"Yes maam.  I was two years away from completing my residency and earning my license to practice medicine."

"That's impressive.  So what is a would-be doctor doing applying for a teaching position in Appaloosa?"

"Can I be honest with you?"


"There were events in my life that forced me to think about what I really want.  Becoming a pediatrician has been my dream, but it feels as if that dream has been decided for me.  So I want to explore my options."

"That's understandable.  You should pursue what you love, whether it's medicine or teaching."  


"So Dr. Weston, what kind of teacher do these students need?"  

"They need someone that wants to be here, that wants to help them succeed, and cares about them as human beings.  Someone that acts as a role model.  Someone that is not afraid to be challenged because Lord knows they will test you.  Someone that sees past their behavior, and tries to understand where they're coming from.  We haven't found that person yet."

Just listening to Dr. Weston sends icy chills all over my body.  I feel as if I can be that person, if she'll give me a chance.  These kids need someone that believes in them, that can help them, that won't disappoint or abandon them.  I know the feeling too well.  I want this job more than ever, now that I know what happened with the other teachers.  Yes, there's a huge possibility that I'm way over my head, and they may even scare me to quit on my first day, but I have to give this a shot.

"I believe I can be that person.  You just have to give me a chance." I look her straight in the eyes, giving her all of my hopes and good intentions.  


"I have a few more interviews to do, but I'll be making my decision by the end of the week." She raises up from her chair to walk towards me.

"Thank you for the opportunity.  It was a pleasure to meet you." I extend my hand. That's it?  She didn't even ask me anything else.  I try to hide the growing disappointment in my face with a smile.

"You too, Miss Santori.  Thank you for stopping by." She firmly shakes my hand as she walks me out.


On the way home, I keep replaying everything that was said during the interview.  Everything was fine until I asked her what kind of teacher the students need, and she spelled it out to a tee.  I believed I could be that person, I just felt it in my bones. Why did she cut the interview short? Was it something I said?  There were so many things I wanted to ask her but I didn't even have that opportunity.  Damn it, did I just mess it up?  Ughh, why did I have to be honest?  There was no need for her to know about my personal life.  

Usually I have a good feeling if I aced an interview, but with this one, it felt like a good date gone mysteriously wrong.  Did I have a boogey on my nose? Did I have green spinach sticking out of my teeth?  Or did she think the kids were going to eat me alive, just because I'm young?

Well, it looks like I'm back to square one.  I need to see what other jobs are available, even if they have nothing to do with schools or hospitals.

"Do you need some time
On your own?
Do you need some time

All alone?
Everybody needs some time

On their own"


Location: 1012 Pomona Promenade

Time: 9:08 p.m.

Later that night, my cell phone rings.  The sight of Luke's name on the caller I.D. makes my stomach twist into all kinds of knots.  I don't know whether to ignore it or answer it since I am still pissed at him.  But at the same time, I am beyond relieved that he called.  It shows that I'm on his mind, and he's man enough to give me a good explanation for why he disappeared.

"Well, well, well.  If it isn't Mr. Fireman." I try to frown so he can feel my evil wrath, but my mouth betrays me with a smile.  Nah, Mr. Fireman doesn't quite fit.  More like Mr. Hot Ass.  Or Mr. Yummy Man Pie. Or...

"Lyn, I can explain..." His voice sounds deep and velvety, sprinkled with a hint of guilt.  Damn you, Luke!! Damn your sexy ass voice!!

"Oh, you better.  And it better be good." 

"I couldn't stay.  Especially after last night...I was losing control."

"You could have told me that in person.  I would have understood.  You didn't even say goodbye!"

"I know...I'm sorry.  I just didn't want to do anything that would ruin our friendship.  I hope you can understand."

"Screw our friendship!"

"Haha.  No, seriously..."


"Fine, I forgive you.  But don't do that again! Oh, I wanted to thank you for the teddy bear this morning, but you...you know...LEFT!" 

"You're welcome.  Do you like Smokey?"

"Awww, you named him Smokey? I love him!  And he smells like you too." I grin, feeling my heart going pitter patter. 

"I thought he'd keep you company since I'm too far away."


"So how was your day?"

"It was good.  I decided to cut penis out of my diet."

"What?? Did you just..."

"Yes, I said penis.  I'm on a penis strike.  No more penis!!"

"Haha.  What the hell?? You are crazy."

"From this day forward, I'm a vegetarian.  It's better for my health."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes.  Oh, by the way! I got an interview today for a high school Science position!"

"Oh yeah? How'd it go?"

"I don't know...it was really short.  I don't think I got the job."

"They'd be crazy not to hire you.  You'd make a great teacher."


"And when your fears subside
And shadows still remain
I know that you can love me
When there's no one left to blame
So never mind the darkness
We still can find a way
Nothing lasts forever
Even cold November rain"

"So...you're really swearing off meat?" His voice becomes velvety again.  It feels like he's blowing hot air into my ears, sending shivers down my spine.


"Damn.  That's too bad."

"I know..."

"Good thing I left."

"Why do you say that?"


"What? Tell me."

"I would have messed up your diet."

Oh, my God!!   

"Lucas Rossi! Friends don't say things like that."




"Can you stay on the phone til I fall asleep?"

"Of course...I'm here. Talk to me."

*Copyright 2012 Lyn C.S.*

Author's Note:  Wow, I can't believe this is the 30th chapter.  This is crazy.  I just wanted to thank all of you for giving this story a chance, and for your continued support.  You are the reason why I write. :-)

"November Rain" by Guns N' Roses
Video by: GunsNRosesVEVO


  1. Still pissed he just left like that but I can't stay mad at that man for long just like Lyn.

    "I would have messed up your diet." hahaha loved that line! Yes he needs to mess it up. She needs to go on a serious Luke meat bender LOL

    I think she got the job. I think Mrs. Weston likes her. Did I miss something? Why did Lyn think that name was familiar?

    Any way great chapter even if it didn't nave naked Luke.
    ***taps foot impatiently waiting on naked Luke*** :)

    1. LOL I know, right? How can anyone stay mad at Luke's sexy, heroic ass? And he just had to surprise her with Smokey, with his cologne all over him, making it even harder for her to stay mad at him. He did the right thing by calling and explaining why he left. That really reassured Lyn that he's not going anywhere.

      Hahaha I know, right? Luke seriously needs to mess her diet up. I don't know how long she expect to stick with this "no meat" diet, but if Luke shows up at her door unexpectedly in his uniform, that's it. LOL Luke meat bender! I love it! xD

      She doesn't think she got the job since it was so short, Dr. Weston didn't ask her anythign else. But we'll see what happens. Who knows, you may be right. You'll find out the significance of her name in the next few chapters. :-)

      Thanks for reading, Mica and I'mm glad you enjoyed this chapter! I know, I know, you want naked Luke! When the time is right, or when the characters surprise themselves, it will happen. xD

  2. I'm with Jazen, I think we're ALL waiting for some naked Luke.
    So was Dr.Weston David's mother or something? I know that's where she recognized the name from and pretty sure he said something about his mother and the school.

    I think she got the job, Luke's right, they'ed be crazy not to hire her.

    Great chapter, can't wait for more.

    1. HAHA you crack me up!! So you wanna see some naked Luke, huh? xD When the time is right or when they can no longer stand it, you will get your naked Luke. And I will make sure to make that chapter worth your while. :-)

      You will find out who Dr. Weston is in the next few chapters, but you remember David! Wow, I'm impressed! :-) You may be on to something.
      Awww, thanks for pulling for Lyn. She thinks she bombed the interview, but who knows? You might be right. Stay tuned!

      Thanks for reading, AddyKat and I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter!

      PS: I can't get over how much that guy in your avi looks like Luke! He's hot, who is he??

    2. Well I remember David partly because I just read that, I've only started reading before this chapter and I read the whole thing. I hope she gets the job.

      As for my Avi he's the male lead in my story Among Thieves.

      Heres a link if you wanna check it out:


      I never noticed but now that you said it they do kinda look alike don't they :)

    3. It's funny because when I first saw your avi, I was like whoa! That looks like Luke! He even has the same facial hair and everything. Thanks for catching up with this story, I hope it wasn't too much of a headache to read. lol

      I'll be sure to check out Among Thieves as well. :-)

  3. I'm thinking she probably got the job.

    I don't even know where to start with them 2, gawd. It's right there in front of both of them, staring them in the face, she lets him talk her out of it ,then leaves...Dr. Phil would have something to say about this i tell you!
    I have strong hopes they will come to their senses soon!...edenz~

    1. Wow, it's funny how the majority thinks she got the job, even though she thinks she bombed the interview. But who knows? :-)

      LOL I know, it seems like the more they try to fight their feelings for each other, the closer they become. The good thing is that the distance will allow them to get to know each other better, especially if they communicate on a regular basis. Lyn won't feel so alone. As far as where this is all headed, I can't even tell you. They usually end up surprising me, so I'm just gonna follow their lea.

      HAHA Dr. Phil!! I can totally see him shaking his head, and saying the exact same thing that you just said. If it's meant to be, it will happen. xD

      Thanks for reading, Edenz!

  4. Luke and Lyn need to cut the crap out and get together :)

    1. LOL! You crack me up! xD Thanks for reading, Lckygirl!

  5. I felt sad for her in the beginning, and I hope Luke doesn't wait too long. In his past life he waited too long to come back!

    No Penis! LOL I don't think that's going to last long for Lynn. She likes it too much! LOL

    I think she got the job, and Dr. Weston ended the interview because she had heard everything that she needed to hear!

    Loved it! Dying until Luke and Lynn get together!

    1. I agree, Jesse waited too long, and look what happened. Emma married someone else, and she became tied down with her family obligations. At the same time, Emma should have had more faith in Jesse. She should have waited for him. Both had too much pride, they never expressed how they really felt, and it was too late. Maybe Luke and Lyn can learn from their mistakes, if they both recognize the significance of these people.

      HAHAHA Lyn likes penis too much?? Whatever gave you that idea, Daisies? Hmmmm?? xD Well, she better pray that Luke or Brad don't show up at her house any time soon. Even with Brad, she can still find herself in a moment of weakness. After all, he was the one that brought out her inner freak. lol

      You know, you make a good point. Dr. Weston could have recognized something in Lyn, and she heard everything she needed to hear. Very good observation!

      Thanks for reading, Daisies! I promise you will see naked Luke when the time is right. And I'm hoping it's soon!

  6. I'm still reading!

    I'm sure Lyn got the job. I actually don't want her to be a teacher. I think she would be a great doctor, but it makes sense that she doesn't really want to wait.

    Haha, I knew Lyn couldn't stay mad at Luke. As much as I want to see them get together, I think he made the right choice in leaving. He could have told her, but I'm glad she understood. If they can just talk for a while longer and just really get to know each other before they make the next step, I think their relationship would definitely last.


    1. Hi Ali, welcome back!! It's really good to see again :-) How have you been? How's school?

      It's great to know that you're still reading. HUH, so you don't want Lyn to be a teacher?? You want her to be a doctor instead? That's really interesting. Then again, you're going to be a nurse, so you may be pushing for the medical field instead of education. lol But I see what you're saying though. She worked so hard to become a resident, and she's only a year away from becoming a doctor, but she wants to try teaching. It almost doesn't make sense. The good thing is that she can go in either profession: she can teach, then take a break and finish her residency. Then she can decide what she loves more.

      I don't think anyone can stay made at Luke, not even me. lol Luke did take a risk by leaving without saying goodbye. That really pissed Lyn off, and made her feel abandoned. He could have damaged what they built. At the same time, it forced her to deal with her own life, and made her more proactive about finding a job. And now, they can get to know each other like you said. I agree, if they can maintain this friendship for a little while longer, they may be on to something truly great. Maybe Emma and Jesse can finally be together. :-)

      Thanks for reading, Ali!

    2. I'm doing great! Especially after today. I had my nursing school interview about two weeks ago, and today I got the notification that I'm accepted!! :D Only two more years to go, then no more school. It'll be hard, but worth it. :)

      I think Lyn would be a great teacher OR a great doctor. That's the hard part. I don't know, I mean I understand that she wants to form her OWN identity, instead of morphing to her parents and her ex, but still. It just seems so different. It almost makes me question whether she ever really WANTED to be a doctor, or if she just wanted the approval from her parents.

      At least Luke called her right away. If he had waited, I could see why Lyn would be pissed. He was considerate enough not to keep her waiting.

      I forgot that I didn't even comment on the Emma and Jesse part. That was wonderful writing, by the way! It was so neat to get a sneak peek into the past. That could easily be a story all in itself.

      Also, I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to me and everyone else. It means a lot to me that you care about what your readers think, and seem genuinely interested in what we have to say. :) Anyway, until next time!


    3. YAY, Ali!! Congrats, that is awesome!! You must be so excited! So is this your last semester with undergrad? When do you start nursing school? Two years will a breeze by before you know it, think of it as grad school. It's necessary to advance yourself and make good money. The great thing about being a nurse is that you can work anywhere in the world. As long as there are hospitals, there will be a need for nurses. Kind of like being a teacher. As long as there are schools, they will always need teachers. Both challenging, rewarding but secure jobs. You'll do great!

      You make a great point about Lyn morphing into what her parents and Brad wanted. She didn't even plan on going to medical school until she met Brad, and her mother's negative attitude just made her want to prove her wrong. So you may be right. She may have pursued being a doctor just to gain approval. You're right, teaching is a complete 360 for her. Then again, if she's crazy enough to leave Bridgeport and move to Appaloosa, she might as well explore other aspects of her life as well.

      Thank you Ali, I'm glad you enjoyed Ch. 28! That was probably one of my favorite chapters to write. I just felt so connected with that era and the passion between Emma and Jesse. You're right, I wish I could have written more about them, but it would take crazy amounts of CC and historical lots to recreate the whole town. lol But let me see what I can do. :-)

      Awwwww, you're so sweet, thank you! I'm always happy to see comments on a chapter since I can never predict how you guys react to it. Most people feel comfortable lurking, so I always appreciate when readers take the time to leave feedback. It really helps me determine what works and what doesn't work in the story. I really do care about my readers, I mean, there'd be no story without you guys. Of course I will continue to write but it's always encouraging when I know people are actually reading. lol And I am especially grateful to you because you followed me since Real World. Gosh, remember the Generations thread? When we talked about Jason and Brooke? :D Sighhh...good times.

      Have a great weekend! :-)

  7. lol, i know that feeling of swearing off the meat and going totally vegetarian. But he called, and told her why he left. Makes for a much better friend, and a much better possible future. Now with the friend, on a phone situation. Thats all good, but ... and i say but, cause, when he comes to visit again, o o o .... if she goes to see him , o o o ... Though i think if they can stay friends longer than they can become lovers, they have a lot better chance at finding that perfect love.

    I can see his side, though generally that only happens when its a possibility of true love, cause it leaves you going ok now why would that happen, and why did this happen, makes you look at the relationship from all angles, not just from the sexual angle.

    This i believe is whay Lyn needs more than just another fast sling in the sack. This would give her life purpose, instead of just a sexuality of a fling, that goes wrong. Here's to lyns and lukes future, they will find that ground that makes them more than friends, and give them a full and loveing life.

    great update and looking forward to the next parts.

    as for our sim pages, rofl, that one is wild, but i think i have that figured out now.

    1. HAHA that's funny!! I don't think I can be a vegetarian. I would probbly go through withrawals and binges. lol I agree, it's good that he called. She almost lost faith in him, to the point where he could have been another disappointment for her to write off, especially the way he left. And the fact that she got attached to him, that was even worse. Some call it a rebound, others call it pouring salt on an existing wound. You do make a good point about their situation. Yes the distance will help them out and allow them to get to know each other, but what happens when they see each other again? They haven't done anything to relieve the tension. And with them becoming closer, it will be even harder to keep their hands off. Yes, if they can maintain their frienship for much longer, they have a good chance of building a good foundation for a relationship.

      Ahhhh love. It's the thing that makes the world go around, it's also the thing that can really screw you up. lol I see what you're saving about Luke. He sees the potential in what he can have with Lyn, and he doesn't want to jeopardize it. It's funny because Lyn's the one that wants to jump him, and he's the one that's cautious. lol Usually it's the other way around.

      You make a really good point about Lyn finding her purpose, what she really wants. I think teaching will be a good challenge for her. It's something new and she will be able to help people out. That's if she survives her first week. lol She definitely shares something special with Luke, and I see something growing between them, despite the sexual tension. Awwww, thanks for the well wishes! It will be nice to see them have a happy ending. The question is, with who? :-)

      LOL OMG, I hate that stupid MyPage! Why couldn't they leave it alone? Now I lost my background, I'm getting spammed like crazy and I can't send privte messages. Stupid EA!! >(

      Thanks for reading, Jerry!

  8. Wow Lyn,
    30 chapters in memiors wow. I don't know what to say but it seems like your getting better and better with each chapter you write. That was really cute with the teddybear but it wasn't nice that he left with out telling you anything. Well at least he called you unlike brad. Keep up the good work wildthang your simply amazing. PS. theres a sims skin that puts a penis on the male sims lol. Take care looking forward to your next chapter.

    1. I know, right? 30 chapters. It's crazy! It seems like yesterday I was still on Ch. 6 at the Pets forum, before they moved it. lol Thank you Tom, it means a lot that you think my writing is getting better. I think I've come a long way since my first story in August. Following other amazing stories and keeping up with the updates has definitely made me grow. I've learned so much in the last few months.

      Awww, I'm glad you liked the teddy bear part. It was really sweet. Now Lyn will have Nikki and Smokey (with Luke's scent) to keep her warm at night. She was pissed and hurt that he left without saying goodbye, but in the end, she understood. He did the right thing by calling her and explaining what happened. That just salvaged her trust in him, as well as their friendship.

      LOL yeah, I've seen the sim peniseses in a few stories. lol I don't think I'd ever go that route...that's too graphic, even for me. Well, pic wise. xD Storywise, I often surprise myself, that's why I put a warning on both blogs. lol Especially after Ch. 7 from Heat. Haha!

      Thanks for reading, Tom!

  9. Well, Luke def put himself firmly in the friend box. Lyn really cracked me up with her "Penis diet"! I'm holding on to the idea that, if they strengthen their friendship, when Lyn's finally ready to love again, their relationship will be stronger for it. That's my dream and I'm sticking to it.

    I wonder if Lyn will get that teaching job, and I also wonder if maybe she's "supposed to" - with all the oddities and similarities with the past. It seems like she and Luke are on rails now, heading to a destination they have no control over.

    Luke "Left" her, just like Emma was left behind by her love. I REALLY don't like where that's headed, and I sure hope I'm wrong!

    1. Luke definitely took a risk by leaving and putting himself in the friend box. I hope he knows what he's doing because he might push Lyn into the arms of another man. LOL I know after Luke left, she vowed to herself that she's staying away from penis from now on. Men are trouble. I think if Lyn continues to communicate with Luke despite the distance, they will become closer. The only problem is, what if she meets another guy?

      You know, you're on to something. The idea that she's "supposed to" teach could be a possibility, with all of the weird things that have been going on, like you said. There's really no telling where this is all going to end up, but it will be a fun ride. :-)

      I know, Luke "left", the same way Jesse did. The good news is that Luke immediately communicated with Lyn and explained why he left, and he assured her that he's not going anywhere. She has a true friend now, someone she can talk to and confide in.

      Thanks for reading, Jilly!

  10. Happy leap day Lyn! Just read the new chapter, loved it. It cracked me up when she said she was becoming a vegetarian. I think maybe having a break from men will be good for Lyn, and hopefully the job will give her back some self confidence.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter! LOL I know, after Luke left without saying goodbye, she was convinced that all men disappoint, even Luke. That hurt her more than she realized, like she felt abandoned. But him calling and explaining why he left reassured her that he's sticking around.

      I agree, being on her own and taking a break from men will help her figure out what she wants. If she gets the job, being a teacher will definitely be an interesting ride!

      Thanks for reading, Kristine! Happy leap day! :-)

  11. I am just so frickin bummed that Luke left. At least he called the same day. I hope the fact he left eats him alive from the inside out!

    I wonder where the phone conversation is going to go... hehe.

    1. I know, it's unfortunately that Luke left. It was definitely hard for Lyn. But like you said, he called the same day and explained everything. Haha I think he feels guilty enough.

      The phone conversation can go in either direction...perhaps a naughty one. xD

      Thanks for reading, Mypal!

  12. Excellent. The sexual tension between Luke and Lynn is really well written and I'm rooting for them to get together. I love him even more for his waiting since she's still vulnerable after Brad.

    I really love the whole past life thing you got going on.

    1. I'm glad you are able to see the sexual tension between Luke and Lyn because Lord knows they've been fighting it for two years. lol Awww, thanks for rooting for them. I hope things work out of them too (I know this sounds weird because I'm the one writing it, but characters can be so unpredicatable). You're right, she's still vulnerable right now, and it's admirable of Luke to respect that.

      I'm really drawn to the concept of soulmates and past lives, so I'm glad you find it interesting too.

      Thanks for the kind words and for reading, Jbfairy!

  13. UUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH!!!! Luke, Luke, Luke. Swearing off penis' that is awesome.

    1. LOL!! I know, Luke is something else. He was seriously about to get raped if he stayed. xD

      We'll see how long Lyn's new diet lasts. The true test will come when Luke or Brad shows up. lol

      Thanks for reading, Rated PG!

  14. First of all!

    "Maybe I should stay away from anything that has a penis. Wait, Mr. Nunu has a penis. I love Mr. Nunu. Okay, any human being that has a penis. But damn, how long is that gonna last? I can't go vegetarian, I need my meat! Well, screw meat! It's done nothing but make me feel like crap. From now on, I'm eliminating penis from my diet. No more penis!! Penis is bad for your health! Mmm...Luke's penis. I wonder how big it is? No!! Be strong! Penis is pure evil!!"

    ^^This!! Hilarious!:)
    I still wish Luke hadn't left but he's so good ringing her and it made me smile that he was staying on the phone until she fell asleep!
    I'm sorry for being nosey at Rated PG's comment but I saw your reply about Luke or Brad showing up...don't let Brad show up no one wants to see him!LOL! It's gotta be Luke who comes back! Luke! Luke! Luke!!:)
    I hope Lyn gets the job, did the Principal cut the interview short coz she knew that she wanted Lyn? I hope so she deserves for something to go right!
    Loved this chapter, can't wait for more:)

    1. LOL!! I'm glad you enjoyed that tidbit. xD I think that's the most I've said penis in one story, let alone one chapter. Lyn loves her some penis but she's starting to realize that it's given her nothing but grief. Despite the pleasure she gets, in the end, it seems to let her down. lol

      Yes, Luke did the right thing by calling her right away and explaining why he left. If he had waited longer, he might have sabotaged her trust. And you're not being nosey at all! I know, nobody wants to see Brad, especially after what he did. But there's no telling what he's up to, especially if he still wants Lyn. And if it's Luke, it's even worse because they're probably going to end up jumping each other's bones. lol

      It's so sweet how almost everybody thinks Lyn got the job, even though she thought she bombed the interview. Maybe you guys are right! Maybe the principal saw something in her. :-)

      Thanks for reading, Claireybear, I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter!

  15. Hahaahah, I loved Lyn's inner debate on penis.

    "I would have messed up your diet."

    Ohh man, it's a good thing Luke's a thousand miles away in Bridgeport or this chapter would have had a four star rating. I like how Luke can be all flirty when they are far apart and there's no risk of accidental sex -- they can almost be more honest with each other on the phone. You know the next time they get together, they aren't gonna be able to keep their hands off each other. I can't wait :D :D

    But, I am so proud of Lyn for standing up on her own two feet and going after this new job, men be damned. You go girl! Even though Lyn is worried she messed up the interview, I have a feeling the principle saw something in Lyn. She didn't need to ask more questions, because she knows Lyn's got the qualities she's looking for. (But maybe that's wishful thinking. I just want things to start going right for Lyn!!)

    "Of course...I'm here. Talk to me." Sigh... he's just the perfect man for me. Whoops, did I say me? I meant Lyn. Totally meant Lyn.

    1. LOL!! You know, I'm even surprised I wrote that. xD I said penis eight times in one paragraph. Wow...I guess we know what's she's thinking about. I agree, it's good that Luke left. He would have been seriously raped!! Yeah, this chapter would have had a "graphic sexual content" and "man rape" warning. HAHA!

      I notice too, now that they don't have that physical proximity, it seems like they're able to let loose a little bit. OMG, is there such a thing as accidental sex?? xD You crack me me up!! But I do think being on the phone is going to make the sexual tension even worse because when they hear each other's voice, it has to bring out all these feelings. And YES, Luke is a little more flirty than usual. He usually keeps himself under control around her, but there's something about talking on the phone late at night that just brought out his...curiousity. They're gonna have to find a way to release all that frustration because they will end up jumping each other next time, like you said. :D

      Awwww, thank you, it means a lot that you believe in her. This is the first time she has ever been on her own, so it's definitely new territory for her. You have a good point. Everyone else thinks she got the job, so you may be right. The principle could have already know that she wants Lyn. Teaching will definitely be an interesting experience for her!

      HAHA awwww, you're so cute!! I know, Luke is just...something else. If I wasn't married, I woudld have jumped his fictional ass. lol And of course you meant Lyn! ;-)

      Thanks for reading, Meghan!

  16. Awww :) Smokey's to die for! Luke is lucky he left because she'd have jumped his ass for sure! (Morning wood...yum)

    I can understand her vegetarian diet (I won't say that word ugh I tell you it makes me feel like a prude! Like my entire body becomes this cold, rigid, sexless mass when I hear that word. And for Jason it's like an instant downer! That word is just disgusting! Cock, dick, hell I'd even call it a ding-a-ling before I said that one! She made Luke's sound so small going "Mmm Luke (blank)" So gross!!!!)

    ANYWAY enough berga chat (Later! Later!) Note to self: Never call Lyn "Ma'am".

    Someone has a love/hate relationship with that word lol.

    Dr. Weston was nice that's a good sign for Lyn and she did say the right things about the kids not finding the right teacher instead of the other way around! Bonus points yo!

    The phone call was very sweet with Luke. She looked like a little schoolgirl writhing on her bed like that haha I could hear that twit like giggle and see her curling her hair in fingers as she talked to him with a smile on her voice. They are so cute though I love that.

    This'll be a good thing for the both of them and help them build a stronger base for a relationship since she did seem to jump into the one she had with dickface before knowing him all that well (even after seeing all those women clamoring for him).

    1. I know, isn't Smokey adorable?? That was the last straw for Lyn, Luke surprising her with a teddy bear like that, with his cologne on it! He was seriously about to get raped!! She wasn't playing around, she was looking for him like she was hunting him down. Mmmm....morning wood...oh wait..I mean uhh breakfast sausage. Yeah, breakfast sausage!! xD

      OMG Daijah, you and Jason seriously have some weird hang-ups!! lol There's nothing wrong with the word penis! I can say it a hundred times. PENIS PENIS PENIS PENIS PENIS PENIS!! It has the opposite effect on me. The more I say penis, the more it gets me hot. :-) Yes, I know it sounds old and clinical like vagina, but it still means the same thing: juicy man meat. Penis, dick, cock, schlong, salami, pepperoni, pickle, carrot, cucumber, banana, man rod, berga, pleasure stick, ding-a-ling, one-eyed-snake, same thing.

      It's funny because in Cali, people don't refer to women as maam until they're older, like 40's and up. It wasn't until hubby and I moved to Florida that we learned it's a sign of respect, even for young adults. So it was a culture change for Lyn too when she moved to AP.

      You make a good point about Dr. Weston! Lyn may have a really good chance even though she doesn't think so.

      LOL I know, she stayed up talking to Luke on the phone like a school girl in high school. You definitely have her mannerisms to a tee! She was smiling and giggling on the phone like she was talking to her crush or something. :-) She definitely didn't expect that, and neither did Luke.

      HAHA dickface. I see that you still remember him. She usually jumps into relationships, especially the one with Brad, but this is new territory for her. She's not used to having a "guy friend" that she's insanely attracted to. But it will be good for them in the end. We'll see how long this diet lasts though. xD

      Thanks for reading, Daijah!

  17. ~ I predict that Lyn has the job, even though there are others applying for the job,Lyn said the right things,& Dr Weston has already got Lyn at the top of the list,now lets see if any others can match that!LOL!
    ~ Luke was so right to leave,& not tell her,as she was ready to jump his bones!!!!!
    ~ She would have tried to get him to stay,but unfortunately it would have ended in bed,so Luke made the right choice!
    ~ The difference between Jesse & Luke,modern technology,Luke can keep in close contact to Lyn by the Phone,with him ringing her all the time she will not look elsewhere for her fix!
    ~ Luke Lovers will be happy with a shower scene in Heat!LOL!YUM!
    ~ Lyn has never taken the time to find out who she is or what she wants out of life,so Luke got this right,she needs to find herself before she can move on,or be ready for a relationship!
    ~ To commit now to a relationship would be suicide!(for the long term!)
    ~ Finding out who she is will set up a good basis for the rest of her life,A maturity to accept a good & loving relationship,that will last a lifetime!
    ~ Telling Luke about her new diet,& his comment just made me laugh,they so would have jumped each other if he had stayed!LOL!
    ~ There is so much more I want to say,but will leave it there,you know why, Lyn!!!!
    ~ Loving this,MORE!(",)

    1. You know I always enjoy your predictions because oftentimes, you're right. lol Well, Lyn definitely has an impressive resume, but she has never taught. So it will be interesting to see how she's going to approach teaching. But the fact that she said the right things could definitely make her a top contender.

      HAHA yeah, poor Luke. He was seriously about to get violated, but in a good way. :D She was looking for him like a shark that smelled blood. And with that Smokey stunt that he pulled, he was asking for it. lol He definitely left just in time. You're right about modern technology being an advantage for Luke. With Jesse, he had to settle for letters and hoped that they got delivered. With Luke, he's a phone call, text, email and drive away from Lyn. If he can maintain communication with her. she will definitely hold a place for him in her heart. All other men will have to deal with Luke first. lol

      HAHA naked Luke in the shower, huh?? Now you're giving me ideas. xD

      You're right, Lyn never really knew herself or figured out what she wanted. She has lived her life trying to gain approval from her parents, and in the last two years, Brad's love, but it backfired. If she doesn't find herself and learn how to be on her own, she will repeat the same patterns, which lead to the same disappointments. This was risky on Luke's part by leaving but he felt Lyn's best interest was more important than what he wanted. It will definitely be suicide if she jumps into another relationship too soon.

      This is only the beginning of Lyn's new journey. Her new life in Appaloosa, becoming a teacher, being on her own, finding out who she is and what makes her happy, it can go in any direction. Yes, she will definitely need to grow up and mature if she wants to find that long term happiness.

      HAHA I'm glad you enjoyed Luke's comment about Lyn's new diet. I think now that they're far away from each other, some of the pressure is taken off, and they don't have to hold back as much. Oh yeah, the "friendship" would have been over if he stayed. lol

      You know I always love hearing your feedback, and whatever you want to share, you can always share through PM.:D

      Thanks for reading, Karima!

  18. I don't think their friendship will last too long... they are falling hard for each other. I hope she gets the job.... I wonder if the principal has anything to do with her past life?

    1. LOL yeah, the sexual tension isn't helping much. Well, if they can stay away long enough, they should be okay. Hmmmm...Dr. Weston knowing Lyn in a past life? Interesting...I'm gonna have to look into that. I see possibilities.

      Thanks for reading, Dblonde!

  19. OMG I loved this chapter and of course all the others as well.
    I do have a favor to ask of you. I am planning on starting a story on blogger but i need some help.
    how do you upload your pictures to your blog and i need a title to my story.
    a mini background is that its about someone who has to sell the house that they grew up in but cant find the right buyer. do you have any title ideas.

    1. Hi Rockingirl, welcome back!! How've you been? I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter and you're still following the story.

      Sure, I'd be happy to help you.

      1) To upload a banner pic (blog pic on top of page), go to "Design", then "Heading". From there you can decide if you want to upload a pic with the blog title or a separate blog title/description.
      2) To upload a background pic, go to "Design", then "Template Designer", then "Background". From there you can upload your own background pic.
      3) To uplaod pics for a post, you can do this two ways:
      A) From "Compose": Go to "New Post", then "Compose". Click on the picture icon tab (Insert Image). You can upload pics from your computer. The only problem is that you have to adjust the pic a bit, depending on how big you want it to show on the screen, and sometimes it has problems centering. Also, I've had problems trying to fit texts inbetween pics.
      B) From "Compose": Go to "New Post", then "Edit HTML". You'll need pics uploaded from a photosharing account like Photobucket. Just copy-paste the "html" pic code, and leave some spaces inbetween for your text. This is the method I use since it's easier for me. Make you sure you go back to "Compose" so you can see if the pics showed up and if they allign with the text. And before you submit your post, make sure you "Preview" so everything looks okay.

      As far as the title for your story, is this mainly about selling a house or how it affects the characters? If you can give me more info, I can help you with a better title. Just based on what you have, I can suggest:
      1) "Where The Heart Is"
      2) "A House Is Not A Home"
      3) "My House, Their Home"
      4) "Memories Not For Sale"
      5) "Childhood For Sale"
      6) "For Sale"

      Hope this helps, and don't hesitate to ask if you have any more questions.

      Good luck with your new story, I'm looking forward to it!

    2. I have been great. I have changed plans about my story after sleeping on it. Instead of that story i have changed to a story about an old enemy, a taxi, and valentine's day. I plan on calling it The Love of an Enemy, but thank you for your title ideas. I would like to make titles for each chapter like you so how do you come up with all of the names. When i post my first chpater i will be sure to let you know on your latest post in the comments.

    3. You're welcome! I'm actually not good with chapter titles, so I use song titles instead. The songs I choose have to fit the emotions and scenes in the chapter. You can try different themes, like may go with an emotion, an object, a character or message in the chapter. Play around with different things and see what works for you.

      Yes, please let me know when you release your first chapter.

    4. http://theloveofanenemysims3.blogspot.com/
      here is the link to my blog.
      I plan on making my sims tonight and posting pictures of all the people you will need to know for the story, so please check soon!

  20. Wow I loved that chapter. I wonder where this phone call is going to end up. It would be very sweet innocent or not so innocent haha!
    I really like Luke. I think Lyn and him really would make a lovely couple. I can imagine them settling down in AP.

    1. Hi Ayemee, welcome back! How've you been? I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter! LOL yes, the phone call can end up in either direction: naughty or nice. But at the rate they're going, it's probably heading towards naughty. xD

      Luke is a sweetheart, and he only wants what's best for Lyn. I agree, they do have the potential for something great. They can really make a nice life for themselves in AP if they choose each other.

      Thanks for reading!

  21. I am so behind. :(

    A huge part of me is glad that Luke left. Had he not he probably would have taken them into something they are really not ready for. I respect him a lot for that! Being so close to it then pulling back had to be hard. Just goes to show that he values her friendship for more. I just hope it won't be harder for them to transition into more if that's whats in the cards for them, because he left to save their friendship.

    1. No worries Qui, I am reaaaaly behind on updates. lol Yes, its a good thing that Luke left, he really wanted to save their friendship, but at the same time, he is leaving room for someone else to come in her life. It's a big risk, but at the same time, he has Lyn's best interest at heart.

      Thanks for reading!

  22. That teddy bear is ADORABLE. It was the first thing I noticed in the first picture. I like how it show's Luke's sensitive side...actually all of him might be sensitive in a good way. :) Very cute of him.

    Okay so Lyn was just in a crazy mood today! Saying Penis Penis Penis all the time today. Good thing it didn't slip during the interview! I think she gets the position since Dr. Weston was telling her all about the people who are well-qualified, yet quit early on, so the principal recognizes that being a good teacher goes a lot farther than having the right certifications.
    I think job interviews are pretty hard to predict myself, I've had situations where the person hardly asked me anything and I got it, and situations where it was question after question/the person was all smiley but no pass.

    So Lyn dressed up in sexy lingerie as she was talking to Luke...is this a not so subtle message of something? ;)
    I love the way you ended the chapter here: "Can you stay on the phone til I fall asleep?" "Of course...I'm here. Talk to me." *sigh*

    1. Aw, I'm glad you liked the teddy bear :) It definitely shows Luke's side and he wanted to give something to Lyn that will remind her of him if she gets lonely. And she definitely gets lonely.

      Haha yeah after Luke left, she was so disappointed and she concluded that men are nothing but trouble. And I don't blame her one bit. You make a good point about the strange nature of interviews. I've had some that lasted an hour and everything went well, questions galone but didn't get the job. The some that were so short, I was convinced that I failed. Then I get the offer. So you can never really tell.

      Hehe well, she was definitely feeling sexy that night especially while talking to Luke and he left her sexually frustrated for sure. lol I'm glad you enjoyed the ending, I was definitely sighing too. Hehe.

      Thanks for your feedback, Emerain!
