Monday, March 18, 2013

Chapter Thirty-Five (Be Here Now)

Previously, on "Memoirs Of A City Girl":
Ch. 34 (Bring Me To Life)
-Brad's patient seduced him in his office, but he turned her down.
-He admitted that he's still not over Lyn.
-Dr. Benson from Appaloosa Hospital and Research Facility called about Lyn's application for residency.
-If Brad recommends her, she gets the position.
-He told Dr. Benson that he'll call him back.
-Brad had a dream of Emma at the lake in Appaloosa Plains.
-He felt an emotional connection to her, especially when she told him she loves him.
-He broke down, saying he's lost without her.
-He woke up motivated to find this mysterious woman, who reminded him of Lyn.
-He saw this as a sign to fight for her and drove to Appaloosa Plains.

*Strong language*

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Location: Appaloosa Plains Public School
Date: Friday, 11/4/2011
Time: 9:01 a.m.

The sound of the bell travels throughout the building, causing doors to jerk open as footsteps scurry across the hall.  A humm of voices bounce between walls with a mixture of laughter, shrieks and muted conversations.  Shit. They're going to be here any second.  My heart feels like it's going to leap out of my chest, causing this incessant buzz radiating all over my body, intensifying as I stare at the door.  It happened.  I actually got the job.  Dr. Weston called yesterday to offer me the position, and that was the only day I had to prepare.  I was hoping to start on Monday so I can have the weekend to get the room ready and work on lesson plans, but she already notified the substitute teacher that I will be starting today.

For a moment I wish I can just freeze time, to stay in this state as I sit alone in my classroom. Wow, I actually have my own classroom.  It's so quiet, peaceful and I only have my own thoughts to deal with.  I thought my first day of residency at Bridgeport was scary, but this is something else.  At least I took classes, did internships and worked under a mentor.  Brad was actually one of them.  Brad...I haven't thought about him since Luke left.  The man that drove me to this town in the first place.  The man that helped me professionally, but screwed me over emotionally.

The man that I still love...fuck...what is wrong with me??

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A quick glance at the class syllabus brings my attention back to the students that are about to enter my classroom.  I can't believe I'm going to be teaching.  I didn't even know I had it in me until I came to this town, and it forced me to look at other options besides working at a hospital.  But how am I going to deal with the kids?  How do I introduce myself? I was planning on just keeping the first day light and casual, maybe get to know the students a bit more.  But I remember Dr. Weston advising me to be clear about my rules and procedures, and to make sure they have something to do, even on the first day.  But how do I do that when I didn't even have anyone show me what to do?  It's as if they just threw me in here to fend for myself.  Is this what teachers really go through?

The voices and footsteps become more prominent, alerting me to their presence by the door.  Some of them are coming in.  I take a deep breath as I try to subdue the knots circling in my stomach.  I am so nervous, my hands are shaking.  My eyes focus on the twisting of the doorknob, giving way to bodies of fresh faces I have never seen in my life.  I give a silent prayer to the heavens before I peel my butt off the chair and reluctantly walk towards the front of the desk. Please let me make it through this alive. Pleaaase...

"Don't let your mind 
Get weary and confused
You will be still, don't try
Don't let your heart 
Get heavy, child
Inside you there's 
A strength that lies"

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Time seems to be at a standstill as I scan the room full of high school students.  They briefly pause from their conversations as they scan me from head to toe.  Between backpacks being thrown on the floor, zippers opening and closing, books hitting the desk, sounds of paper being shuffled and a combination of whispers and laughter, I begin to feel completely helpless.  These kids are supposed to listen to me and do what I say? I'm supposed to teach them Physical Science?  I'm supposed to get their attention? For a full hour and do it four more times during the day? This massive fear sets in, and the only thing keeping me from walking out the door is another fear: my bills.  This may be the only decent job I can find in this town, and if I walk out now, I'll burn another bridge.

"Good morning.  I'm Ms. Santori, your new science teacher." Words finally escape my throat as I point to my name written on the board. "I'm going to take roll, so please say if you're here."

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"Nick Messi."

"Here." The blonde-haired boy in a letterman jacket briefly nods in my direction before his attention shifts to his friends.  He looks like he plays football, maybe quite popular with the ladies.  The girl sitting next to him whispers in his ear, causing him to look at me and laugh.

"Cornell Riffin."

"Right here." The boy in braids shakes his head as he waves, pretending to act like he's not talking crap about me.  Hmm...he seems okay.  But there's something about that girl I don't like.  She reminds me of those snotty cheerleaders who always has to put someone down, like she's better than everybody.  I wouldn't be surprised if she's Nick's girlfriend.  Girls like her usually get the popular jocks in high school.

"Kaci Madera."

"Here." The girl next to Nick shoots me a glance. her name is Kaci.

"Dude, I can't go to practice today.  My doctor's supposed to check on my knee." A look of concern takes over Cornell's face as he unzips his backpack, take his binder out and let it drop to the floor.

"Did you tell Coach Bennett? You know how he is about missing practice." Nick asks.

"Yeah, I did."

"So Nick, are you coming over afterwards?" Kaci taps Nick on the arm, shifting their focus back to her.

"I have to see."

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"Calla Clemens."

"Here." The girl who looks like she tripped and fell head-first in red and green paint rolls her eyes as she raises her hand. "She's gonna leave like the last one."

Clemens? She has the same last name as Brad.

I can already smell her attitude from a mile away and she's not afraid to say what she thinks about me.  Yet...there's something about her that's screaming for attention...the snowcone-colored hair, the way she rolled her eyes when she first walked in and this internal angst that I can't put my finger on.  There's something about her, especially when our eyes met, and for a moment, I caught a glimpse of her pale blue eyes...which remind me so much of Brad's.  I know she's going to spell trouble, even more than the snotty cheerleader, but I find myself strangely drawn to her.

"Noelle Weston."

"Here." The dark-haired girl smiles briefly at me.  She pulls her knees closer to her body.  I don't even think they should be sitting like that, but at this point, I'm too afraid to say something.  What would I say? Excuse me, you need to sit up straight? "Well, if she's mean like the last one, I wouldn't mind."

Hmm...Weston.  Could she be related to the principal?

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"Alexis Fremont."

"Here." The girl with glasses looks up when she hears her name.

This table, on the other hand, is completely different.  They are the only ones who seem to be remotely paying attention to what I'm saying as I explain the rules written on the board.  As the boy sits there nodding, letting me know that I have his undivided attention, Alexis would periodically write something down on her notebook.  Not only is she paying attention but she's actually taking notes. To everything that I'm saying. This catches me completely off-guard.  At the hospital, I'm usually the one taking notes and following every word of my mentors, learning from them, aiming to please them, but here I am...on the opposite side of the fence.  They are learning from me!  I have never felt such a sense of...influence...on anyone until now.

"Ethan Parrot."

"Here." The boy next to Alexis raises his hand. "I have a question."

"Yes?" I shift my gaze on him, eager to hear what he has to say.

"Do you want us to write this down?" He asks as he grabs a notebook from his backpack.

"Yes. You will be taking a lot of notes in this class." I could have told him it wasn't necessary, that the rules are in the syllabus, but I actually like the way I handled the first question.  I keep reminding myself to be firm, just as Dr. Weston adviced, and to not let them intimidate me.

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"Hey guys, can you stop talking? I'm trying to go over the rules." I find myself irritated with the students in the back.  They are being loud, they're not even paying attention and they are making it hard for me to focus.

"Whatever." Calla turns to me as if I just interrupted her precious conversation with Noelle and rolls her eyes. "Stupid bitch."

Did she just call me a stupid bitch?? I know this watermelon-haired chick did not just call me a stupid bitch! There may be 25 of them and only one of me, and I'm technically outnumbered, but I just cannot stand here and let her call me a stupid bitch.  I don't care if I never taught a day in my life and I'm terrified of them right now. If I let that slide, they will know that they can disrespect me and get away with it.  Something about that girl rubs me the wrong way, and she just touched a very sensitive nerve.  Maybe it's because girls like her picked on me in high school.  Maybe it's because I was exactly like Alexis, the shy nerdy girl with glasses who felt invisible.  Maybe it's because most of my teachers never did anything about it or stuck up for me.

"Excuse me??" I can feel my heart racing as I walk over to her, using every self-control I have left not to cause a scene...or smack this girl upside her head.  The room becomes completely silent between gasps, everything feeling like it's in slow motion as I decide to confront this girl.  The way I did with Naveah.  I am not going to tolerate this type of shit from anyone, and I certainly am not going to let a student treat anyone else like this.

"I said stupid bitch!!" Calla gets up from her chair, her pale blue eyes challenging mine, letting me know she's not backing down from an adult.  Despite Noelle and Alexis' efforts to calm her down before she gets in trouble, she tells them to shut up.

"First of all, if you're going to call me a stupid bitch, you better have the balls to do it to my face instead of hiding behind your--"

"That's what I'm--"

"I'm not finished!! So you better sit your ass down and you listen good, little girl.  I'm an adult, you're a child.  You DO NOT speak to me that way.  I have not done anything to disrespect you, so you better watch it.  If you give me any more problems, you will walk out this classroom with a referral and a phone call to your parents. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME??" My lips are trembling with every word as I try to keep my temper under control.

She sits there in shock, like everyone else, and is unable to move.  It feels like a bomb just exploded in the classroom, which is probably my decorum, and we are left watching the debris fall on the ground.  For a moment, she looks like she's about to say something back, but with all eyes on her and mine, she decides not to.

"Yes, maam." Calla mumbles quietly, looking down at the desk, her cheeks flushed from embarrassment.

"Now can we continue with the rules?" I ask as I desperately try to catch my breath...and my pulse.

"Yes, maam." Everyone replies in unison as they take their binders out.

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"Ms. Santori, do you have a minute?" Alexis asks after the bell rings.  She waits until the room is empty before she approaches me.

"Sure, what can I do for you?" I smile at her, remembering how I used to look when I wore glasses at her age.

"Thank you for what you did.  I have never seen a teacher put Calla in her place like that."

"Oh, that.  It was nothing, really.  I just could not let her disrespect me like that."

"Everyone just kind of follows her.  She did the same thing with the other teachers.  She even made some of them cry and walk out."

"I don't blame them."

"I hope you stick around.  Maybe we can finally learn something in this class."

"I hope so too, sweetie.  You should go to glass, you don't want to be late."

"Okay, bye Ms. Santori.  See you Monday!"

"Bye, Alexis." I watch her sling her backback over her shoulder as she walks out the room.  They are so young, so impressionable, but at the same time in need of strong guidance.  I take a deep breath as I mentally prepare for my second period class, who should be walking in very soon.

One down, four more to go.  I wish it was lunch already.

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Water droplets hit the windshield as I navigate through the wet streets, on the way home.  This is the first time it rained in Appaloosa since I moved here, and it's actually quite nice.  My eyes follow the rhythmic movement of the windshield wiper as I reflect on the craziness that happened today.  The dismissal bell finally rang during sixth period, and I was free.  After I went off on Calla, it became easier for me to enforce the classroom rules and procedures with each subsequent period.  I also felt more comfortable talking in front of the class.  I don't know if it was the adrenalin from using my authority or just learning to be more firm, but it felt good to lead those students.  It felt nice to be in charge.  We even got to talk about Physical Science and what will be covered in the semester.

Of course, I had a few more students challenge me (not the way Calla did) but I did the same thing with them.  I let them know I will not tolerate their behavior and there will be consequences.  I don't like confrontation, and I certainly am not used to it, but with these kids, I had no choice.  Yes, they pushed my buttons, but there was something good that came out of it as well.  I found this assertive side of me that I never knew existed.

"Don't let your soul
Get lonely child
It's only time
It will go by
Don't look for love
In faces, places
It's in you, that's where
You'll find kindness"

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Location: 1012 Pomona Promenade
Time: 4:24 p.m.

"Hey, babygirl!" My eyes light up at the sight of my darling Nikki, who is already waiting for me at the door by the time I get home.  It feels so good to have her back again, I missed her so much.  Just to be able to hug her and kiss her brings such great comfort, knowing I am not completely alone in this house.  She's been with me since she was a puppy and she hardly ever left my sight, unless I had to go to work.  Whenever I have a stressful day, she sits and listens as I vent, until I feel better.  Sometimes all I have to do is hold her in bed, and I fall asleep.

She would not be here if it wasn't for Luke.  Luke...just the very sound of his very name makes me lose my breath, and for a moment, I wish he was still here.  He has done so much for me...he brought Nikki back, he was a shoulder to cry on when I was a complete mess about Brad, he calls to check up on me everyday and he is the only one that I feel I can really talk to.  Like...a best friend...someone that is there for me no matter what, who listens no matter what, and tries to do what's best for me.  Even if meant turning me down when I was ready to jump his bones when he was here.

The sound of the rain hitting the roof interrupts my thoughts as I look out the window.  It's really pouring now, and strong gusts of wind are coming in.

Oh, shit. Mr. Nunu! I need to put him in the stall!

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"Hi baby, I'm so sorry I left you out here today.  Mommy had to go to work." I briefly caress his face as I put him on lead, feeling absolutely horrible that he's soaking wet.  How long has he been out here? Poor thing.  If I had known it was going to rain today, I would have left the stable open so he can at least find shelter.

"Let's go inside! Hurry, hurry!" I shriek as I scamper towards the barn with Mr. Nunu right behind me, feeling the cold rain soak through my blouse.

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"There you go.  All nice and dry." My hands follow the curve of his face as I smile, knowing how much he loves being petted.  I can still remember the first day we moved to this house.  Even though I had nothing but my purse, I snatched up my beloved beast from the moment I saw him.  The first time I ever tried to pet him, he lunged at me from behind the door, which scared me shitless when I realized his massive size.  I developed a newfound respect for this animal.  From that day on, I learned to read his body language.  I even took riding lessons just to learn how to handle him.  That was when I met David. David... I wonder how he's doing?  I haven't been back for lessons since then.

"You have a bowl full of water and a fresh stack of hay. I'll come back later to check on you, okay, sweetheart?" I kiss his beautiful face.  He closes his eyes as he happily receives my affection.  Mr. Nunu was all I had when I first moved to this town.  He was all I had to talk to, all I had to hold.  But he gave me a reason to keep going, to move forward.  If it wasn't for him, I honestly don't know if I'd still be here. I will always be grateful to him for that. "I love you. See you soon."

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The sound of the rain tapping on the window, however, soothes me, especially with Nikki by my side.  I'm just so glad to be home.  Now I can relax.  I love rainy days, but I love them even more after a long, hard day. I didn't realize how exhausted I was until I finally had the chance to lay down.  My body hurts, my head hurts and I feel as if I could just collapse. I am mentally drained.  Even though I survived my first day as a teacher, I'm not sure if I can handle the stress in the long run.  It's so much work, so much planning, and the students have to be constantly monitored or they won't stay on task.  At least at the hospital, I deal with one patient at a time, even if I have to go back and forth between ten of them. Yes, it gets tedious and the hours are long, but it's not as intense as being in a classroom with all those kids.

"...and can you believe that girl called me a stupid bitch, Nikki? I couldn't either! So you know I had to put her in her place.  Yes, I had to.  She wasn't going to disrespect Mommy like that and get away with it. That's right. Even you know better than to disrespect Mommy!" I gaze into her big, brown eyes as I gently cup her pretty face.  She scoots closer to me as she licks my hand, resting her head on my lap, letting me know she's all ears.

My thoughts return to Luke.  God, I wish he was here.  I miss him so much.  We can just lie in bed, hold each other as we talk...and listen to each other...and the rain.  Our last conversation was so nice, I didn't even want to get off the phone, knowing it was already past three a.m., and he had to get up early for work.  I felt bad, but the sound of his voice...his laugh...the way he listens so intently to whatever I'm rambling about...the way he starts asking about what I'm wearing, knowing we're supposed to be friends yet the conversation veers on the sexy side...the way he's just so caring.  I know he's like my best friend, but good Lord...I wish he would just mess up my diet and see what happens.

"Be here now
Here now
Be here now
Here now"

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Just when I'm about to call Luke to tell him about my first day of work, my phone rings.

"Hi, can I speak to Dr. Santori please?"

"This is Lyn Santori." Dr. Santori? But I'm not even licensed yet!

" Ah yes, this is Dr. Benson from Wolfson's Hospital and Research Facility.  I'm calling about your application for residency and you listed Dr. Clemens as a reference."

Brad? Shit...


"He could not stop gushing about you.  In fact, he says you are one of the hardest working people he knows."

"Oh...thank you."

"So Dr. Santori..."


"It would be our honor to have you on board."

*Copyright 2013 Lyn C.S.*

"Be Here Now" by Ray Lamontagne
Video by: nmcl92


  1. I couldn't help but LOL several times during this chapter. I was a substitute teacher for a few years, and I plan on going back to it when my youngest starts school. (some people think I'm strange for actually Wanting to do it) All that fear. I was so worried they were going to eat her alive. It's probably a good thing that student ?Calla? called her a stupid bitch. In fact, that may have been the best thing to have happened. Lyn scared all the other students into submissions, and you KNOW they were talking about it in the halls too. Loves it, I do.

    Alright girl, I was waiting this whole dad-gum chapter for Brad to show his mug, and he didn't. You're going to make me wait again. Meanie. :P lol

    I wanted to smack that girl when she thought *makes silly face and wobbles head back and forth* 'the man that I still love'. Ugh!
    Yeah, I get it, but it still makes me mad. Good news for Brad's sake though.

    But it's LUKE that's the sweetheart. um, even if he had a thing for his best friend's girl... yeah, but he didn't act on it until Brad effed up.

    I am so back and forth on this. Thanks. :P
    But I loved it, of course.

    1. Oh wow, you were a sub?? So you know the pain! lol I was a sub too before I started teaching full time and let me tell's very nervewracking. You don't know what kind of kids you're gonna get, you don't know where you will work next and these kids act up because they know you're a sub. So actually have to be extra strict with them so they know you won't be walked all over. And YES the fear!! I was so scared my first day but it actually turned out okay. Funny, the kids liked me more than their regular teacher. lol And NO, you're not crazy for going back. It's admirable, and good teachers are hard to find.

      It's never okay for a kid to disrespect a teacher but yes, in this case, it gave Lyn a chance to be assertive and let the kids know she means business. Students sure talk, and I'm sure they were talking about the way she reamed Calla out after class.

      Haha I know, she needs to be smacked for still loving Brad. lol She can't help how she feels. It will be really interesting to see how she'll react when he shows can go either way. I agree, Luke is a sweetheart and is so much better for her, well at least treats her much better than Brad did. And he did stop with a kiss when he realized it was wrong.

      You will see Brad pretty soon, and when you do, I can't wait to see your reaction. lol Who me, a meanie?? *innocent face* :P

      Thanks for reading, Mypal!

  2. Well damn so she's a sub, but also just got her residency accepted so she can't do both. :( The kids really seem to need someone but medicine is what she loves so what will she do???

    UGH She still loves Brad. :( That doesn't bode well considering how the last chapter ended. I know she wouldn't just drop those feelings but I would have hoped they were fading, at least a little.

    She said the dreaded 'friend' word when referring to Luke. Shit shit shit!!!! I need her to see him as something more but damn it she said friend. :( Luke is who she needs but maybe not who she really wants but can you really go back to a man that slept with your sister? The sister you hate or at least strongly dislike? She's so confused still and that isn't good considering what's coming.

    1. She's actually the new full-time teacher. She qualified because of her background in Biochemistry. But I agree, she is in a bit of a dilemna: helping the kids out or doing what she loves. Medicine is something she pursued to prove her mom wrong, and she loves it, but teaching also brings a different type of fulfillment for her. Then again, she only taught one day, so she needs to give it a chance. Then she can really decide what she wants to do.

      Yes, she still loves Brad. And considering Brad still loves her and want to fight for her now more than ever, she needs to be very careful when he shows up. She's still a bit vulnerable emotionally, and the last thing she needs is to get hurt again. Luke's presence has actually been a stabilizing force for her, and he has been a true friend she can talk to. LOL you crack me up with your "shit shit shit" comment. lol She does see him as a best friend, but that can be a good thing. That means they are developing a strong friendship and getting to know each other better. In his own way, he is helping her heal.

      But you're right, she's still a bit confused and dealing with her feelings for these men. Still...she hasn't really dealt with Brad yet, so their second confrontation can be dangerous. We will find out soon enough :)

      Thanks for reading Mica!

  3. No. No, no, no. Lyn used the words "Best Friend" about Luke twice. THEN she has the nerve to say she still loves Brad. *Puts fingers in ears...La la la la....(Now I can't hear her say bad things anymore!)

    I'm glad Brad decided to man up and do the right thing so she could go to the hospital, but she's SO much better off with Luke! And how will she dessert the kids now, just when she's won them over?

    "Sneaks into Brad's home, beats him down with frying pan...

    1. LOL Jill, you crack me up. I know it's not what you want to hear but yes, she still loves Brad. And she sees Luke as a best friend. That's not necessarily a bad thing. Friends can always become lovers right? But at least it's a great foundation for a strong relationship. But dammit, she has her own mind, and this is how she feels. I just follow the characters, even if I don't agree with what they're doing.

      Yes, Brad did the right thing by giving Lyn the recommendation. Now she can choose between being a teacher and finishing her residency. This will be a hard decision to make. I agree, Luke is much better for her but this girl is stubborn! lol

      Haha look at you beating Brad down with a frying pan! He deserves it.

      Thanks for reading Jill!

  4. Lyn first day at school lol and picking that snotty nosed brat her place well done, Lyn.

    I think she makes a great teacher but the hospital want her on board because Brad gave her a glowing reference yay. At least he is starting to put things right even if it is at a distance.

    Loved it :)

    1. LOL yeah, she had an epic first day by laying down the law with those kids. She had to, otherwise they would have eaten her alive. I agree, she has the potential to be a great teacher, she seems to have good instincts with them. And they need someone that knows how to deal with the kids.

      Brad did the right thing by giving her the recommendation. He opened up doors for her, and now she has some great options as far as careers. I agree, he is trying to make things up for her from a distance. When he shows up at her door, that's a different story.

      Thanks for reading Lckygirl! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

  5. Haha! This chapter had some great moments, I work in a school as a Teaching Assistant with Year 6 and they have some attitude so I can relate to how Lyn was feeling. I'm glad she stood up to that girl though. No one deserves to be called a stupid bitch for no reason and on her first day! I'm glad Lyn was assertive with them, hopefully the school day won't feel as bad for her now. Although I wonder which job she'll choose?
    I actually said Nooooooooooooooooooo really loud when I read, 'The man that I still love...fuck...what is wrong with me??' She can not still love him! This is gonna mess everything up now because Brad is gonna come back all, "Hi Lyn I still love you" and she's gonna believe it! Then where does that leave poor Luke? I really hope she doesn't take Brad back he doesn't deserve her! Sorry for rambling:) lol!
    I really enjoyed this chapter, it was so nice to see Mr Nunu and Nikki again. It's nice for Lyn that she has her pets to go home to:)
    Looking forward to the next chapter, as always:D

    1. Oh wow, you're a teaching assistant! Are you planning on becoming a teacher? Bless your heart for going into that profession, you know the pain! lol I have taught elementary and high school, and right now I'm teaching middle school. Whew, these kids are something else! lol Attitude comes in all ages. Hehe. If you're not assertive, they will eat you alive and spit you out. It's funny...the first day is so crucial. No wait, the first 30 seconds is so crucial. They make up their mind about you within those 30 seconds, to see if you're a push-over or if you have a backbone. That's why they test you. They want to see how you react, and who's in charge. Lyn just needs to give it some time to see what gives her more fulfillment: teaching or medicine.

      LOL I know, this poor girl still loves Brad. I thought by now her feelings for him would have cooled, especially with her close contact with Luke, but they are still there. Also, she hasn't had complete closure. She's pretty much been avoiding Brad the whole time so there are a lot of emotions she has pushed to the side. And that's the main reason why Luke left. He knew this, and he didn't want to be the rebound guy to distract her from her pain. Haha I love how you can already see what Brad will say! He is coming back. The confrontation will happen. It will all unfold in the next few chapters. And don't apologize for rambling! Ramble on! I love hearing your feedback. More for me to read :)

      Yes, Mr. Nunu has been put in the backburner since the whole Luke/Lyn/Brad saga so I saw this an opportunity for her to bond with him again. And she hasn't seen Nikki since she left Bridgeport, so I know she's super happy to have her back. They definitely keep her company :)

      I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading Clairey!

    2. Wow! You're a teacher! I have so much respect for you as I know it's not an easy job. What do you teach or do you teach all lessons? No plans to become a teacher at the moment but you never know I may change my mind, I do a one to one with a child who has special needs so it's already hard work! I enjoy it most days:) I actually have an interview next week as the child I'm with now leaves to go to secondary school in September so I need to keep my options open. I'm a little scared about it:/ but I'm hoping it will go well:)
      I've just seen your list of chapters, it makes me sad that the end doesn't seem too far away:( Will you write another story after this one and Heat?

    3. Awww, thank you Clairey :) I agree, it's not an easy job but someone has to do it! lol Someone has to keep these kids in line and be a good role model for them. Right now I teach Language Arts. I used to teach Physical Science in high school and I really enjoyed it. At the same time, it's really fun to teach kids the art of language and to see them blossom as writers.

      Oh wow, special needs? I know what you mean about it being a lot of work. I used to have an autistic 2nd grade student and his motor skills were very poor. I had to find a way to accomodate him and still teach the rest of the class. Haha most days. Gawd, that's the feeling. Just when you want to scream and walk out, they are sweet as ever the next day. Good luck with your interview, I'm sure you will ace it! Just be yourself and know what you have to offer. And hope that it's a good match.

      I made the decision to end this story at Ch. 50 because I think the time has come for us to find out how the Lyn/Brad/Luke saga unfolds, as well as what happened in the past. I'd rather end a story at its peak and keep its momentum than drag it on for the sake of keeping it. Besides, I actually want to know how it ends. lol Even when I was on hiatus, these characters would haunt me, begging for closure. lol

      The good news is that once Memoirs ends, I'll combine its characters with Heat and it will continue from there. It will be easier to maintain just one story in one blog. Heat will end at Ch. 40 so I'm not going anywhere for a while. :) Hmm...I haven't thought about what I'll do after Heat ends. I may take a break, then probably get inspired to do a new one. We'll see :)

  6. I'm so excited you are back! I love this story. WTG Lyn! She's learning to be assertive which is good. Now we see Brad has visions of a past life too. Where is this all headed!? I'm almost getting the feeling that the triangle developing also happened in the past. I may be wrong but anyway great couple of chapters.

    1. Hi Jbfairy, it's great to see you again! Thanks for the warm welcome :) Awww, I'm glad you love this story! Yes, Lyn is learning to be assertive. It's out of her comfort zone to speak out and deal head-on with confrontations but that's the only way she can survive being a teacher. Otherwise, those kids will eat her alive and make her run out the door crying. lol

      Yes, Brad is having flashbacks of the past through his dream of Emma. She is sending a message to him to go back. Is it to fight for Lyn or sort out the past? You'll find out soon. Actually, your observation is on the right track. Emma (Lyn) was married to William (Brad) but she was having an affair with Jesse (Luke). They all found each other in this life but things seem to be repeating themselves.

      Thanks for reading Jbfairy!

  7. Wow how long did it take for you to set up the classroom pictures? I can imagine it took you quite a while to set up the classroom and get the kids in their proper poses for the pictures. And is Alexis the teenage version of Lyn's sim character? They actually look quite alike.

    Lyn looks very nice and "teacher-y" in this chapter. :)

    I can't believe Calla Clemens just called Lyn a stupid bitch! The nerve! But I was really proud of Lyn for standing up for herself, especially since it was her first class. Interestingly, I think the skills she learns as a teacher will help her to deal with future situations outside of work, such as dealing with Brad.

    I like the bits of insight we see into Lyn back when she was younger...I think it's helped Lyn build a sense of empathy as an adult.

    1. Setting up the classroom wasn't too bad. It helped that I already knew which poses I would use for the chapter, so it probably took me a few hours to set the room up and take the screenshots. I decided to do it in one day because I really didn't want to have to come back to it. lol You know, Alexis is a character I created for another story, but I didn't realize how much she looked like Lyn until I took shots of them together.

      Hehe. Teachery. She definitely didn't want to deal with hormonal high school boys hitting on her. I know, Calla called her a stupid bitch! She thought she was going to get away with it but Lyn definitely put her in her place. She had to, otherwise, they would have lost respect for her.

      You make a really good point about Lyn building a sense of empathy as an adult, knowing what she went through. You are the first person to point that out, that's awesome! :)

      Thanks for your feedback, Emerain!

  8. Go Lyn! She did the right thing, I think so anyways, nothing worse than a smart ass kid/nod.
    She still thinks about Brad, and he's on his way there, and he gave her a good reference...

    Then there's my Luke boy, I'd personally snatch him up like there's no tomorrow but I'm not Lyn.'
    I see things getting very complicated, ugh...edenz~
